FINANCIAL EDUCATION: Making a difference in the lives of Kentucky Students and Veterans, in tons of ways.

Web Design, Video Editing, Motion Graphics

My Role:
Web & Graphic Designer

Other Credits:
Hollie Sexton (Financial Education Professional)


Teaching students how to be financially savvy is a big part of Fort Knox Federal Credit Union’s initiative in local communities. Some of these initiatives include $25,000 in scholarships, providing financial education classes for kids in elementary and middle schools, and sponsoring required financial education courses for 10th grade students across all of KY through House Bill 139. Each of these touch points were developed to improve our financial education reach. These were some of my favorite projects to create because they make such a big impact.

Do you wish you would have learned about money earlier? The video below elaborates on how many people the Credit Union is helping in Kentucky. My part in this video was to storyboard, edit down hours of film, design and add animations. I am so proud to be apart of something bigger than myself!

“When you look at financial education, you say, yeah it’s just a graduation requirement. It is. But we’ve taken that and started from the ground up with Fifth Grade and Middle School with High School as icing on the cake.”

-Greg Sutton, Chief Academic Officer of the Hardin County School Board in Kentucky


“The most important thing they get [when they complete their financial education course] is this $5 bill…This is for all 1,100 5th grade students in Hardin County in KY.”
-Greg Sutton, Chief Academic Officer of the Hardin County School Board in Kentucky

I designed this to look like a $5 bill so a fifth grader would get excited about opening their own savings account. It’s not just a piece of paper, it’s the start of their knowledge of finances that will stick with them as they grow.


Tying the KnotWeb, Logo & Branding

